Summary: The arguments for a change in the law are all wrong.
LET me summarize the case for single gender marriage. The homos (I would use the word “faggot,” but it is not fashionable to offend the perverts) hold that, because they are not allowed to marry “the one I love,” they then are being discriminated against. Discrimination is wrong, being wrong in se, and thus the laws should be changed.
There are a lot of things wrong with this argument. Let me, as a means of education in the skill of analysis, show you. Pay attention, please, as this could, and should, make you more intelligent.
EVERY law discriminates against someone. This is what laws do. So if laws are good then so is discrimination. Suppose that Tom is a burglar. He is thus not allowed to follow the vocation “which I love.” Yet, Tom points out, with perfectly validity, Sam is allowed to be a dentist, which he loves doing. Thus Sam is allowed to follow his vocational love to its logical conclusion, while Tom is not. How can a just society endure such discrimination? Tom did not choose to fall in love with the act of burglary. He was born this way. He can not help himself regarding his love of stealing the property of others. He should no more be punished for this than a Black man should be punished for his skin color… right?
If the issue is abstracted and reapplied like this, then the stupidity of the “principle” is exposed. Again, every law is intended to punish someone. To make everything equal for every one every law would have to be repealed. As Oscar Wilde (back from the dead) put it, “It is only in a world without standards that equality could be achieved. And in that world equality would be nothing to desire.”
By the way, we always punish people for what they choose to do, and not for their inherited inclinations. Should a homosexual/child molester not act on his inclination then he would be treated as any normal person is. Thus he is not discriminated against, until he does something which the law discriminates against. This tautology applies to all of us, equally so. The law does not discriminate in its discrimination.
Another related aspect in the pro-pervert marriage argument goes like this. Sam, the heterosexual, can fall in love with a woman, and then marry her. Tom, the fag, can fall in love with a man, and is not allowed to marry him/her. Thus Sam has “a right” which Tom does not have. And, as this hurts no one, Tom should be allowed equal rights with Sam… or so the argument goes.
There are two defects here (let’s call them lies), which the fag lobby advances. First, Sam has no right to marry whom he loves. I am totally heterosexual, and I have been in love a number of times, with women. And, trust me, some of them would not have married me, ever. And I could not enforce my “right” to them in court. I would have tried, if I had a case. They did not love me enough, or at all. I had, and have, no “right” to marry a loved one. The fag and I are exactly the same in this situation. I have no right which he lacks.
At times I wish that there had been laws to compel certain women to accept me. But I did not have the influence or the money to bring about the necessary legal changes. No one can force another to love him, or her. So no one has any right to marry anyone else. At best, we can make a case for a ourselves and present it to the other party…. and hope, or pray to St. Anne for her intercession.
The faggots might then argue that their marriages would cause no measurable harm to anyone. Laws should be passed to prevent harm, not to harm people, no? No, this is not true, not totally. Laws are passed, primarily, to identify a collective social morality. Regardless of the stupid cliché to the opposite, all any law can legislate is morality, i.e. what a community approves of.
The concept of a real measurable harm is not a prime factor. To prove this point I offer the following illustration. The law requiring stopping at red lights is universally accepted. Yet, if we were to accept the fag principle of law enactment, the law should read as follows. “The motorist should stop if and only if his actions would cause damage to another. When this is not the case, he my race through the intersection as he pleases.” How could anyone object? When there is no accident there is no harm. Only AFTER accidents would the police be allowed to enforce the law. Why give a guy a ticket simply because he ignores red lights? It is pure discrimination, right? Again, laws are passed to express values. They also serve as a means of seeking official revenge against wrong-doers. Even when damage does not occur the police are allowed to seek out the law breakers.
By the way, I recall that the fags used to argue, endlessly, that they want the “government out of my bedroom.” Now they want official government attention, records and approval of precisely this, namely what they do sexually. They want to be identified, openly, by what they do in their bedrooms. They do not want privacy, as they are effeminate exhibitionists…. except for the women who are too ugly. Did I miss this philosophical sea change from one pole to another? There is an old Catholic principle that sin clouds the intellect. It surely is in action with these “guys.”
P.S. I do offer the following alternative. EVERY time I hear the pro-fag lobby argue for marriage rights, they always say “for two people who want to prove their love by spending the rest of their lives together in a faithful union.” They never argue that they, like normal people, may cheat or divorce. OK, if this is what they want, then let’s give it to them, with real legal force. Let me marry… with this condition. If any of the partners cheat, or divorce, we execute them, immediately. As only the eternally faithful will marry this will be no problem, but will be a “witness to the world” how wonderfully stable these people are, right?