BACK in World War II, after Stalin invaded Poland, there was essentially no fighting, as Hitler (apparently) tried to arrange peace talks. This went on for some time, and was called the “Phony War,” because there was no real fighting. I use the same expression to indicate a conflict which may not be as it appears.
The most recent failed terrorist attack has given the impression that the security measures taken by the US are not working. These guys keep getting on planes. So far, “we have been lucky,” no? I offer the following alternative view. That is, I offer one aspect, and hope to comment on others in future installments.
The guy (whose name, as reported in the Mass Media, is obviously a case of mistaken typing), who tried to do something on Christmas, has been arrested as a criminal. He is now being advised by a lawyer. Thus “we” can not coerce information from him. Thus, vital intelligence is being lost.
Really? Suppose that you are a terrorist leader in Yemen. Suppose that this guy was your guy. Do you REALLY believe that the US officials are not beating him daily? You probably are destroying files, changing PINs and moving headquarters anyway. Of course, some other members of the terrorist board are arguing that the US really does treat prisoners nicely. That is, the action is probably dividing the leadership. In other words the pure idiocy of the US policy is keeping the enemy off balance.
Way back, when it was fashionable to do so, some Chinese guy, named something like Sun Tzu, wrote a book called “The Art of War.” One principle was deception. He wrote, “When you are near make the enemy think that you are far…” and stuff like this. Maybe the US is actually doing the same, as in “Act like idiots and they will not believe you.” This may all be part of a plan.
I hope to add more next
time. In the meantime, get Sun Tzu
latest book “Killer Celestial Abs in Two Fortnights.” Available here with a year long subscription to “Analysis
and Explanations.” Can not be
combined with another offer, as we have no others.