THERE is a strong belief that the Liberal Media is obsessed with Sarah Palin, and in destroying her. I accept this as a fact, and offer the following insight to explain why this is so.
Shakespeare’s Lady Macbeth prays to the demons to “de-sex” her. She wants to convince her husband to murder the king, while he is a guest in their home. To be his partner, and to gain politically, she needs to eliminate all her feminine qualities, and become savage, indifferent, ambitious---that is mannish. She wills to give up the natural way of being a woman. That is, she needs to become (a) Hillary Clinton.
A long time ago a (real) woman pointed out to me that Clinton (and her type) have one child (and hate it!), only so that they later can begin speeches with “as a mother myself…” They want to be pro-abortion Lady Macbeth types. However (assuming that they are human), they still have the natural female inclinations. They still want to be pretty, to receive complimentary male attention, and are jealous of women who are, and who receive it.
So in an attempt to ease their misery, and justify their choices, they offer the following. “I have de-sexed myself so that: I am taken seriously; I am not judged primarily by my appearance; I can advance serious causes; etc. I have given up being a happy woman in order to function effectively within the world of men.”
Then along comes Sarah. She smiles, laughs, is good looking and shapely. She clearly uses cosmetics, and dresses like a woman (unlike Clinton who looks like a large size Ms Potato-Head). She smiles all the time, giving the impression that she actually likes being a woman. She has lots of children, and is happily married (for if she were not we would hear about it, hourly). In other words, she is like the good women in Shakespeare, while most other public women are like untamed ugly shrews.
Misery may love company. But it hates those who are happy. And women act out of jealousy almost all the time. They are jealous of the pretty high school girl, but seriously hate her if she gets good marks, and is happily dating someone. Sarah is that girl, squared. A woman who looks good, and who men actually listen to (possibly only because she looks good) is too much for the others. And this explains their antagonism.
P.S. I know that the Mass Media is not dominated by women. However, most of the males who run it are quite effeminate, so the analysis applies.