MY subject is Hillary Clinton. I begin with an old joke. A couple was married for a long time, so a reporter decided to interview them. The husband told of their wedding day, when they left the church in a horse drawn wagon. The horse stumbled, and the man said, “That’s one.” The trip continued and when the horse tripped again the man said, “That’s two.” As they arrived at their new home, the horse tripped again. The man said, “That’s three,” and produced a gun, and shot the horse. The bride was shocked. She jumped off the wagon and shouted her disapproval, telling him what a monster he was. When she finished the man said, “That’s one.” He never needed to count to two.
The joke, sort of, argues that bad actions (in this case violence) may produce good results, in time. When Bill Clinton ran for office he did not deny or explain his scandals. He also adamantly took unpopular (for Democrats) positions, e.g. capital punishment. He quasi insulted Black leaders. Considering all the disadvantages that he had, his victories were astounding.
Perhaps he was being Biblical, like Gideon. Gideon was an Old Testament hero. He planned a military attack. He also, apparently, was not quite certain of the loyalty of his men. So he set up tests to eliminate the questionable ones. He won a great victory with the reduced, but reliable, forces.
What Bill did was to give potential voters reasons to reject him. He wanted to reduce his support to its absolute minimum, namely of those who would support him, no matter what (or whom) he did. Then he knew how many more voters he needed to win. And this is what he worked for. He did not try to get every vote, but only the minimum needed.
It is possible that Hillary learned from this master. Consider her problems. She used personal means of handling information, while Secretary of State and while foreign governments gave huge amounts of money to her husband and to her foundation.” Her explanation has been a combination of outright lies and “gee, I’m only a girl” type remarks. In other words, she has done what is not only indefensible but also astoundingly stupid… or so it seems.
Perhaps it is too stupid to be anything but intentional. She may be testing her core support, Gideon-like, to see what her absolute minimum level of approval is. It is still a long time before the election. So there is a lot of time for her to recover and rebuild.
I admit that this is a highly unconventional approach. However, it would explain her behavior, at least somewhat.