“Dirty Dancing” was a popular movie of some years ago. For a number of reasons, including its favorable attitude towards abortion, I never watched it. However, I did react to its beginning. The movie has a voice over narration, given by the main character, a then teenage girl. Her family is taking a vacation in the Catskill Mountains of New York State. The girl, looking back at the event from the past, tells us that her father called her “baby.” And this is my first key point.
The girl informs us that she was not then sophisticated enough to be offended by the term of affection. But when she “grew up,” and her standards changed, she was. Let me present these facts in the form of algebra formulas. A (“baby”) + B (non Feminism)) = C (happiness). A + D (“enlightenment”) = E (being offended). To summarize: one formula yields happiness and one yields irritation. The movement removes contentment and replaces it with unhappiness. The only difference is an act of will, that is it depends upon a decision to accept an arbitrary value system. Feminism is a movement based upon the second equation. Its leaders constantly seek out new ways to be offended and insulted. When presented in this abstract way it seems impossible that anyone would accept the premises of Feminism. After all, happiness is what we all seek, all the time. Why choose its opposite?
The movement gains power because it is based upon a related inherit part of human nature. This is that we are motivated to act (or feel, or desire, or seek, or classify, etc) only because of perceived discomfit. This means that something we have, or something we want to have, is irritating us, precisely because of this. So we act to remove the source of irritation.
Feminism takes a clever approach to those whom it would seduce. It begins with the premise that, no matter how pleasant things are, they are not (yet) perfect. As things thus can always be better, the movement tells those who accept it that action and change can bring about paradise, and/or remove unhappiness. By focusing on the alleged causes of dissatisfaction it emphasizes unhappiness. And this motivates women to reject the good (both major and minor types) as not being good enough, or even as the cause of dissatisfaction.
And this works. The blueprint was first used in the Garden of Eden, by Satan. And the result, namely Original Sin, will guarantee that none of us can be perfectly satisfied while on Earth.
As a final point, I offer a perhaps related story from the life of Buddha. He was passing through a town when a man confronted him. The man insulted Buddha with foul curses and vulgar accusations. The Buddha said nothing and moved on. One of his followers asked why Buddha did not object. He answered: “If you offer a gift, and it is not accepted, to whom then does this gift belong?” The follower answered “To he who offered it.” Buddha added: “I refused to accept his anger and the malice. Thus, it remained with him, and not with me.”